Prepping for Perilous Times

Joel Bishop presents a series regarding the calling of a believer to prepare for “perilous” days. Tune in to see what prepping looks like, from a Biblical perspective.

Session one.

The definition of prepping according to AI, modern man and finally and most importantly, scripture. Hear about some common sense prepping, how to be rich toward God and more in this first and introductory message on the subject.

Session two.

The Coming of Christ - The Truth Shall prosper. Before His coming, deceit shall prosper. Look at Daniel and his key to understanding the times. The Second Coming Puzzle

Session three.

Joel instructs us on a Group Activity researching and reporting an unbiased investigation into 7 subjects involving the return of Christ.

Session four.

When the divine warning comes, what responses may you have? We explore several past divine warnings in scripture and examine those actions taken in response.